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Scorzonera eller skorsonnerrot er ein “ny” (for meg) grønsakplante. Min type er Scorzonera hispanica 'Long Black Maxima'), kjøpt som frø til 2015. Denne har svarte røter.

Så i april, røter kan haustast frå august. Om nokre røter står att vil det veksa nye plantar der (om moder natur vil). Smaken er best etter frost.

Always sow direct where they are going to be grown as transplanting will cause forking. (victoriananursery)
This plant is usually grown as an annual for its roots but the leaves are tasty in salads. It is said to form only one taproot but as this does not go woody with age you can just harvest some of the roots from a patch of plants each year. (
hage/scorzonera.txt · Last modified: 2015/03/14 10:32 by ranveig