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Kerria japonica, eller soleiebusk, er ein klatreplante med gule, frynsete blomar. Frå Japan (og Kina) som namnet antyder. Han var visstnok veldig vanleg i hagar ei stund, og har no gått litt av moten. Men ein finn han framleis, til dømes i gamle hagar, eller som rømling. Det finst ein her…

Eit engelsk namn på han er Bachelor's buttons . Eit anna er Jew's mantle. Kvifor? Må finnast ut…

Growing kerria is easy. This is the shrub to choose for that impossible shady corner. It is not fussy about soil either - neither clay nor lime will bother it. Pruning is important too - remove the old shoots that die back after flowering, or cut out all the flowered branches as they fade. [W]hether you cut it as low as the new shoots, or right down to the ground, it doesn't seem to mind.
Propagation is simple, too. If you know someone with an existing shrub, ask them for a piece of wandering root or take cuttings at the end of the summer and put them in a sandy trench outdoors. The stems are hollow, so cut immediately below a leaf node where there should be pith in the shoot. (The Telegraph)
hage/kerria_japonica.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/16 14:12 by ranveig