Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba'
Planta oktober/november 2008.
Kom att våren 2009.
Døydde anten før eller etter flytting. Har seinare lært at han føretrekk litt skugge, ikkje sterk uttørkande sol som han hadde.
One of the most popular of old-fashioned garden plants […] with a somewhat ferny appearance. […] Performs best in a rich, moist soil with partial shade, or at least protection from hot afternoon sun. After flowering, the plants should be sheared back to 6 inches tall, to rejuvenate the foliage. Even still, these often go completely dormant by midsummer, to return again the following spring. (
Dicentras are happy in any good garden soil that's fertile but not too heavy. Enrich the soil with plenty of leaf mould before planting and apply a mulch in autumn too. A light fertilising in March will help enormously. (
Division in early spring. Root cuttings are a better idea as the plant resents being disturbed because of the brittle roots; roots cuttings have a better chance if the cutting has the beginning of a bud already showing. (
hage/dicentra_spectabilis.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 09:41 by ranveig