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Basilikum er visstnok veldig lett å dyrka. Dei veks godt på friland eller oppi potter. Dei liker sol og vatn. Så kvifor har eg aldri fått dei til?

I juni i år har me fått inn ein ny plante som er dyrka på alle kunstens reglar, vil eg tru, av lokale dyrkarar. Med tips og råd frå alle kantar håper eg å få han til nå. Me håper, Basil!

Okei, ikkje enkel:

To make the plants to continuously give off new leaves, it is necessary to pinch off the flower stalks from time to time - in this way the plant will always be growing. The basil is also quite vulnerable to some plant disease, such as leaf spot disease particularly if the ambient humidity is high such as during rains, the same susceptibility can also affect the plants grown in very poorly drained soils. In addition, one must guard against aphids and thrips which can easily infest the plant. (herbs200)

Gjett kven som lot han blomstra? Men det er jo mogleg nokre av blomane blei til frø!

Herbgardening kan triksa:

[T]hey prefer a quick draining, light soil in a warm location.
If the soil is rich, a plant cut back will develop successive crops of foliage until fall. At that time, roots of strong plants can be lifted and potted up to be moved indoors for a winter supply.
Although basil will grow best outdoors, it can be easily grown indoors in a container […]. It should be kept away from any drafts, and must have plenty of sunlight, therefore a greenhouse or cold frame is ideal if available.
Basil plants whose leaves have wilted from lack of water will normally recover if they are watered thoroughly and immediately placed in a sunny location.
Basil can also be propagated very quickly and reliably from cuttings.
hage/basilikum.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/31 15:35 by ranveig