Pastinakk har eg ikkje sådd, men planta røter som blei til overs frå matleveransar i vinter. Og gjett kva – dei spirte og voks betre enn dei fleste frø! No i juli er dei ferdigblomstra, og eg venter på å hausta frø.
Loosen the soil to a depth of 2 feet and remove rocks and clods. As soon as your soil can be worked, sow seeds 1/2 inch deep and 1 inch apart in rows that are 6 inches apart. Keep the seedbed evenly moist. Be patient. Parsnips can take more than two weeks to germinate. (
Guarantee better germination by using a fresh packet of seeds (parsnip-seed viability drops off dramatically after 1 year) and soaking them overnight before planting. (
Harvest parsnips after they have been exposed to freezing temperatures. Cold weather improves flavor and sweetness, as the starches turn to sugars. (
Do not grab the plant to pull out the roots. The plant will almost always break away from the roots. Rather, dig out roots with a shovel or pitch fork.(
Parsnips are excellent for over-wintering in the soil. You should be able to harvest roots well into the spring. Cover the area with mulch or straw, to keep ground from freezing. (
Parsnips are members of the carrot family. This plant is native to the Mediterranean, where early Greeks and Romans grew parsnips.
In Ireland, a beer was made from parsnip roots, by boiling the roots with water and hops. (