== Keswick Codling == {{ :hage:keswick_codlin.jpg?300|Keswick Codling-eple}} [[Epletre]] frå Mr Treeby. Kjøpt vinteren 2012 og planta på rekke ved langgjerdet. //Keswick// er ein by nord i England. //[[:namn:codlin|Codlin]]// eller //codling// er ein type eple. Opphavleg viste det til små, syrlege, gjerne umogne eple. Seinare blei namnet brukt om avlange, smalnande eple, som Kentish Codling eller vår Keswick Codling. (foods of england) ---- > A small, mid-season, cooking apple, very popular in the 19th Century. > It is reputed to have been first found in the late 18th Century as a seedling growing in a rubbish heap at Gleaston Castle between Ulverston and Barrow-in-Furness. [[http://www.foodsofengland.co.uk/keswickcodlin.htm|Foods of England]] ---- > Found in Ulverston in 1793 and introduced by John Sender of Keswick. Medium sized apple. Heavy cropping. Skin pale green to yellow. Flesh creamy white tinged green. Pick late August – keeps until October. [[http://www.deaconsnurseryfruits.co.uk/1-keswick-codling2?ReturnUrl=LwBzAHUAbQBtAGUAcgAtAGEAdQB0AHUAbQBuAC0AYwBvAG8AawBlAHIAcwA%3D|Deacon's Nursery]] ---- > Keswick Codling Apple Trees are an excellent old variety of apple is an excellent hardy variety cooker or eater, yellow green skin cooks to a lovely fluff, self fertile, on rootstock MM106 keeps well. > Supplied bare rooted, 2 year old tree at a present height of 150 cm/5 feet. The tree will produce fruit within two years of planting. All fruit trees are supplied bare rooted from november to march. [[http://www.treesandplants.co.uk/products/Keswick-Codling-Apple-Trees.html|Mr Treeby]] == Sjå og == * [[Frukt]] * http://www.orangepippin.com/apples/keswick-codlin