//Kerria japonica//, eller **soleiebusk**, er ein klatreplante med gule, frynsete blomar. Frå Japan (og Kina) som namnet antyder. Han var visstnok veldig vanleg i hagar ei stund, og har no gått litt av moten. Men ein finn han framleis, til dømes i gamle hagar, eller som rømling. Det finst ein her... Eit engelsk namn på han er //Bachelor's buttons //. Eit anna er //Jew's mantle//. Kvifor? Må finnast ut... > Growing kerria is easy. This is the shrub to choose for that impossible shady corner. It is not fussy about soil either - neither clay nor lime will bother it. Pruning is important too - remove the old shoots that die back after flowering, or cut out all the flowered branches as they fade. [W]hether you cut it as low as the new shoots, or right down to the ground, it doesn't seem to mind. > Propagation is simple, too. If you know someone with an existing shrub, ask them for a piece of wandering root or take cuttings at the end of the summer and put them in a sandy trench outdoors. The stems are hollow, so cut immediately below a leaf node where there should be pith in the shoot. (//[[http://www.telegraph.co.uk/gardening/donotmigrate/3326869/How-to-grow-Kerria-japonica.html|The Telegraph]]//) == Lenkjer == * [[http://apps.rhs.org.uk/plantselector/plant?plantid=1092|RHS]] * [[http://www.bbc.co.uk/gardening/plants/plant_finder/plant_pages/442.shtml|BBC Plant Finder]] * [[http://www.nrk.no/planteguiden/?action=Plant&plantId=2656|NRK Planteguiden]] * [[http://gaia.cxr.no/index.php?site=default/637/1357/1433/1924/1925|Gaia]] * [[http://www.telegraph.co.uk/gardening/donotmigrate/3326869/How-to-grow-Kerria-japonica.html|How to grow]] i //The Telegraph//