//Løytnantshjarte// {{ :hage:bleedin_heart.jpg?300}} ==== Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba' ==== * Kvit * Planta oktober/november 2008. * Kom att våren 2009. * Døydde anten før eller etter flytting. Har seinare lært at han føretrekk litt skugge, ikkje sterk uttørkande sol som han hadde. * Nytt forsøk september 2014. Skal i skuggeheimen no. Planten vil gjerne ha det fuktig. Om sommaren døyr han tilbake, og kan overplantast med grunnrøtingar. ---- > One of the most popular of old-fashioned garden plants [...] with a somewhat ferny appearance. [...] Performs best in a rich, moist soil with partial shade, or at least protection from hot afternoon sun. After flowering, the plants should be sheared back to 6 inches tall, to rejuvenate the foliage. Even still, these often go completely dormant by midsummer, to return again the following spring. ([[http://www.perennials.com/plants/dicentra-spectabilis.html|perennials.com]]) ---- > Dicentras are happy in any good garden soil that's fertile but not too heavy. Enrich the soil with plenty of leaf mould before planting and apply a mulch in autumn too. A light fertilising in March will help enormously. ([[http://www.crocus.co.uk/plants/_/perennials/classid.2690/|crocus]]) ---- > Division in early spring. Root cuttings are a better idea as the plant resents being disturbed because of the brittle roots; roots cuttings have a better chance if the cutting has the beginning of a bud already showing. ([[http://www.wildchicken.com/nature/garden/nature_200_080.htm|whildchicken.com]]) == Lenkjer == * [[http://www.museumsnett.no/alias/HJEMMESIDE/naturmuseum/tusenaarshagen/dicentra_spectabilis.shtml|ved T u s e n å r s h a g e n]] * [[http://www.crocus.co.uk/plants/_/perennials/classid.2690/|på crocus]] * [[http://www.wildchicken.com/nature/garden/nature_200_080.htm|ved childchicken]] * Alle spectabilis [[http://www.viette.com/v.php?pg=891|ved viette.com]] * [[http://www.perennials.com/plants/dicentra-spectabilis-alba.html|ved perennials.com]]