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flora:tolkien_plants [2020/12/08 11:01]
ranveig Iris, dailily
flora:tolkien_plants [2021/03/19 20:20] (current)
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-====== Tolkien-inspired plants ​ ======+ ====== Tolkien-inspired plants ​ ======
 {{ :​flora:​hobbit_hole_with_yellow_door_3.jpg?​300|}} {{ :​flora:​hobbit_hole_with_yellow_door_3.jpg?​300|}}
 It would probably be easier to list the types of plant he didn't inspire. It would probably be easier to list the types of plant he didn't inspire.
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 Iris '​Galadriel'​s Ring'. Introduced 2008 [https://​​guides/​pf/​go/​170635/​ ] Iris '​Galadriel'​s Ring'. Introduced 2008 [https://​​guides/​pf/​go/​170635/​ ]
 +Primula auricula ‘The Lady Galadriel’ [https://​​product/​primula-auricula-the-lady-galadriel-a/​ ]
 +=== Evil cultivars: ===
 +Iris 'Eye of Sauron'​ with "​Medium steel violet blue standards, paler grey violet edge and veins up midrib; medium steel violet blue falls, ecru rim, large dark charcoal plum spot veined wide tan to white 2/3 of way out, white dart bisects spot at end of beard"​. [https://​​plants/​view/​536988/​Standard-Dwarf-Bearded-Iris-Iris-Eye-of-Sauron/​ ] It actually looks quite nice!
 +=== A bunch of hostas ===
 +Someone else loves both Tolkien and hostas as much as I do - as a result there are many hybrids inspired by the Tolky oeuvre, such as:
 +  * '​Gandalf'​ (medium green/​yellow leaves, reg. 1999)
 +  * '​Mithril'​(medium green)
 +  * 'My Precious'​ (Miniature, medium green/​yellow)
 +  * '​Shadowfax'​ (Yellow)
 +  * '​Academy Celeborn'​ (blue/​green,​ 2004)
 +  * '​Academy Lothlórien'​ (yellow, 2004)
 +  * '​Academy Mallorn'​ (medium green, 2003)
 +  * '​Academy Weathertop'​ (medium green, 2000)
 +From [[https://​​hostas/​words/​T/​Type-Names-Tolkein-Related.aspx|]]
 +=== A plethora of roses ===
 +I just assume there are lots of roses with Tolkienish names. Because there are lots of named roses. Indeed, so many quirky and literary ones that I looked through a whole bunch of roses with references to Shakespeare,​ Hardy and Ellis Peters (Brother Cadfael), but nothing so far with Tolkien!
 +Oh well, there are candidates. Such as:
 +  * Rosa Fellowship ('​Harwelcome'​). Floribunda, orange flower. [[https://​​products/​fellowship|davidaustinroses]]
flora/tolkien_plants.1607425283.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/08 11:01 by ranveig